It informs of all Jeedom application tasks that run on the server. This menu is to be used knowingly, or at the request technical support.
In case of mishandling on this page, any request for support may be denied you.
To access it, go to Administration → Task engine :
At the top right, you have :
Disable cron system : a button to deactivate or re-enable all tasks (if you disable them all, more nothing will work on your Jeedom)
Refresh : a button to refresh the task table
Add : a button to add a cron job
Save : a button to save your changes.
Below you have the table of all existing tasks (be careful, some tasks may launch subtasks, so it’s strongly recommended never to modify information on this page). In this table, we find :
# : Task ID, can be useful for linking a process that is running and what it really does
ACTION : a button to start or stop the task in function its status and a button to view the cron in detail (as stored in the database)
Active : indicates if the task is active (can be launched by Jeedom) or not
PID : indicates the current process ID
Devil : if this box is "yes" then the task must always to be in lessons. Next, you find the frequency of the demon, it is advised never to touch this value and especially never decrease it
Unique : if it is "yes" then the task will launch once then will delete
Class : PHP class called to execute the task (can to be empty)
Function : PHP function called in the called class (or not if the class is empty)
Programming : programming the task in CRON format
Timeout : maximum task run time. If the task is a demon then it will be automatically stopped and restarted at the end of the timeout
Last launch : date of last task launch
Last duration : last time to complete the task (a demon will always be at 0s, so don't worry about other tasks can be at 0s)
Status : current status of the task (as a reminder, a daemon task is still at “run”)
Suppression : delete task
The listeners are just visible in reading and allow you to see the functions called on an event (update of a command…)