This page allows you to create a 3D view of your home that can react depending on the state of the various information in your home automation.

It is accessible by Home → Dashboard


It is possible to go directly to a 3D design thanks to the submenu.

Importing the 3D model


You cannot create your 3D model directly in Jeedom, it must be done using third-party software. Nous recommandons le très bon SweetHome3d (

Once your 3D model has been created, it must be exported in OBJ format. If you use SweetHome3d this is done from the “3D View” menu then “Export to OBJ format”. Then take all the generated files and put them in a zip file (there can be a lot of files due to the textures).


Files must be at the root of the zip is not in a subfolder


A 3D model is quite impressive (this can represent several hundred MB). The bigger it is the longer the rendering time in Jeedom.

Once your 3D model has been exported, you must create a new 3D design in Jeedom. For that you have to go into edit mode by clicking on the small pencil on the right, then click on the +, give a name to this new 3D design then validate.

Jeedom will automatically switch to the new 3D design, you must return to edit mode and click on the small notched wheels.

You can from this screen :

Click on the "send" button at the "3D Model" level and select your zip file


Jeedom authorizes the import of a file of 150mo maximum !


You must have a zip file


Once the file has been imported (it can be quite long depending on the size of the file), you need to refresh the page to see the result (F5)

Configuration of elements


Configuration can only be done in edit mode

To configure an element on the 3D design, double click on the element you want to configure. This will bring up a window where you can :



Door / Window

Door / Window


Conditional color

Allows to give the chosen color to the element if the condition is valid. You can put as many colors / conditions as you want.


The conditions are evaluated in order, the first one which is true will be taken, the following ones will therefore not be evaluated

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