Mail plugin

Plugin for sending emails.

Plugin configuration

After installing the plugin, you just need to activate it. This plugin has no particular configuration :


Equipment configuration

The configuration of Mail equipment is accessible from the plugin menu :


This is what the Mail plugin page looks like (here with 1 email already, you can add as many as you want with the “Add”) :


Once you click on one of them, you get :


Here you find all the configuration of your equipment :

Apart from the SMTP option, the other options require the configuration of the OS (Linux) to be able to function. In other words, basically only the SMTP function works, the others are reserved for experts who can, if they wish, configure these options themselves.

The SMTP configuration tab allows you to enter information about the email server you want to use.

mail screenshot3

Here are some examples for the main email service providers :


Attention Google seems to have changed its policy at the gmail level and it is no longer possible to use gmail with the plugin (even using an application key). However, this does not seem to impact all Gmail accounts (without us having the rule of where it works or not and why))

Les champs « Utilisateur SMTP » et « Mot de passe SMTP » correspondent aux identifiants de votre compte E-mail.

From the “Orders” tab, you can add orders that correspond to the email addresses to which you wish to be able to send emails with Jeedom :

mail screenshot4

This plugin works like a module, that is to say that once saved, it appears in the list of actions or commands. It is thus very simple to use it when creating scenarios for example.

In a scenario, once selected in an action, you will have to enter the title and the message.



If you are in double authentication with Gmail you must give a specific password for the application : My account ⇒ login and security ⇒ Log in to Google ⇒ Application passwords, if this is not the case you must enter your usual gmail password.


HTML format is supported by the scenario editor for the body of messages.


Remember to save all changes.

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