DUWI 05436 “Roller shutter”

The module

1 Module

The Jeedom visual

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The DUWI 05436 roller shutter module allows you to control roller shutters in two directions.

Its main features are :

Attention: this module does not send its status to the z-wave controller when the user presses the buttons directly. You have to do a ‘Refresh’ on its position to update, or adjust the Poll (see below).


Technical characteristics

Module data


2 Montage


To configure the OpenZwave plugin and know how to put Jeedom in inclusion, refer to this Documentation.


To put the module in inclusion mode, press the up or down button three times. Exclusion is done the same way.

Once included you should get this :

Plugin Zwave


Once the module is recognized, the commands associated with the module will be available.


Here is the list of commands :

Setting the rise and fall times :

The switch must be removed to have access to the two “up” and “down” buttons”.

Position the flap at the very top if you want to adjust the descent time, and vice versa.

Press at least 2s on both buttons (up and down) simultaneously. The LED should start to flash green.

Then press and hold the down or up button until you reach the desired position. When you release the button, the LED lights up solid green for a few seconds. Time is memorized.

Repeat the operation in the other direction.

Configuration of the module

Then if you want to configure the module according to your installation, you have to go through the “Configuration” button of Jeedom’s OpenZwave plugin.

Setup plugin Zwave

You will arrive on this page (after clicking on the parameters tab)


Parameter details :


This module has only one association group in which your Z-Wave controller must be.


Good to know

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