Secure SES 303 “Temperature / Humidity”

The module


The jeedom visual



The SES303 probe allows the measurement of indoor ambient temperature as well as humidity. It is powered by 2 AA batteries and is Z-Wave Plus certified. In addition to its main function, it is possible to wire various external SECURE probes on the module, either:

These modules are perfect for temperature measurement in central heating control applications or any similar application. Its user interface is simple, with a local push button and an indication LED on the rear side. You can easily include / exclude it in a Z-Wave network.


Technical characteristics

Module data


To configure the OpenZwave plugin and know how to put Jeedom in inclusion, refer to this Documentation.


To put this module in inclusion mode, press the button on the back for 1 second and release, according to its paper documentation.


Once included you should get this :

Plugin Zwave


Once the module is recognized, the commands associated with the module will be available.


Here is the list of commands :

Several non visible temperatures are also available and will be useful if you have connected external probes

Configuration of the module


During a first inclusion always wake up the module just after the inclusion.

Then it is necessary to configure the module according to your installation. To do this, go through the “Configuration” button of Jeedom’s OpenZwave plugin.

Setup plugin Zwave

You will arrive on this page (after clicking on the parameters tab)


Parameter details :

All the other parameters are identical and correspond to all the external probes possibly connected


This module has only one association group, it is essential



To wake up this module, press the button on the back once

Important note


You have to wake up the module : after its inclusion, after a change in configuration, after a change in wake up, after a change in association groups

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