Secure SIR 321 “Timer”

The module


The jeedom visual



The SIR321 digital timer is a simple push-button switch that remembers turning off your electrical devices for you. Big energy savings are possible by adding this simple device on any high power electrical device, with loads going up to 3kW (resistive).

These units are perfect for use on heating panels, immersion heaters, towel warmers and oil coolers. The boost ranges from 30 to 120 minutes.

The SIR 321 supports the external temperature sensors SES001, SES002 and SES003.


Technical characteristics

Module data


To configure the OpenZwave plugin and know how to put Jeedom in inclusion, refer to this Documentation.


To put this module in inclusion mode, press the button for 1 second (until rapid flashing) and release, according to its paper documentation.


Once included you should get this :

Plugin Zwave


Once the module is recognized, the commands associated with the module will be available.


Here is the list of commands :

Configuration of the module

If you want to configure the module you have to go through the “Configuration” button of the Jeedom OpenZwave plugin.

Setup plugin Zwave

You will arrive on this page (after clicking on the parameters tab)


Parameter details :


This module has two association groups. If the first is essential, the second is active and is essential if a temperature sensor is connected.


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