Zipato miniKeypad RFID

The module


The Jeedom visual



Control your security system with this mini Zipato wall keypad !

With this Z-Wave compatible RFID keypad, you will be able to easily activate or deactivate your alarm system. The “Home” and “Away” keys allow you to arm / disarm the security system and / or execute home automation scenarios quickly. In addition to using the numeric keypad, you can also pass an RFID badge in front of the keyboard to arm / disarm the system. The keyboard transmits to your home automation controller the identifier of the badge that has been recognized. You can thus easily create scenarios according to the person who used his badge.


Technical characteristics

Module data


To configure the OpenZwave plugin and know how to put Jeedom in inclusion, refer to this Documentation.


To put this module in inclusion mode, just press the metal tab for two seconds (the red LED on the front panel must flash twice) and release the tab for inclusion to take place.


Once included you should get this :



Once the module is recognized, the commands associated with the module will be available.


Here is the list of commands :

Configuration of the module


During a first inclusion always wake up the module just after the inclusion.

Then if you want to configure the module according to your installation, you have to go through the “Configuration” button of Jeedom’s OpenZwave plugin.

bouton configuration

You will arrive on this page (after clicking on the Settings tab)


Parameter details :


This module has two association groups.



For optimum operation of your module. Jeedom must be associated at least with group 1.

Badges / codes

In the equipment page there is an Assistant tab.

bouton assistant

This allows you to add codes. You will see a table there.



Remember to wake up the module after adding a code or badge.

Examples of use


The trigger is the event command, in fact it is only updated when a valid code / badge has been presented. If the value is 6 (home) we deactivate the alarm (for example), or turn on the power strip, we turn on the light depending on the brightness, we send a notification to signal that someone has returned, we launch a synhtesis voice to do a weather report for example. Otherwise (necessarily 5) we activate the alarm, we cut the power strip, we send a notification to signal that the house is empty.

Good to know


The keypad reads codes / badges in two ways :


To wake up this module there are two ways to proceed :

Important note


You have to wake up the module : after its inclusion, after a change in configuration, after a change in wake up, after a change in association groups

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